I went to the pool with my stepbrother. In the locker room I undress and remark here that he watched me. He likes what he sees clearly. Mir shoots immediately through my mind that I would like to make it with him. But would not that crass? He is, after all, my stepbrother. But I'm so horny that I do not care. I suck his cock, which in my mouth is hard after a few seconds. I still spoil him a bit with my tongue, but then I want to feel his cock in me. I lean against the wall of the locker and he penetrates into my wet pussy. He pushes me really hard. The whole situation is so hot that we both come pretty fast and he injects his sperm deep in my pussy. So I went just swim, with its load in me. So can begin on a Sunday.
Uppity! Public !!! Stepbrother fucks me in the pool ...
2 months ago